A vibrant, christian community sharing the love of god in thailand.

An energetic community of teachers, focused on sharing the love of God with young adults. We desire to see God’s purposes fulfilled in the lives of the students He brings along and invite you to partner with us in this.

What we do

The Centre is all about creating strong relationships with students and sharing the love of Christ with them. Below are some of the core ways we serve the Thai students.

Teaching English

We offer daily non-formal English classes for Thai university students.

English Camps

Opportunities to build relationships outside of the classroom in a more casual and friendly atmosphere.

Wednesday Nights

Our Wednesday night events are where students can enjoy a free dinner, have fun and hear a life story.

Friday Nights

Our Friday night events give students the opportunity to relax, create or learn something new.

Building Community

Everything we do at The Centre is meant to cultivate an environment where students feel at home, known and safe.

Sharing Culture

 Cultural differences can often be seen, smelled and tasted in our national dishes. At The Centre we enjoy those differences and share them together in the kitchen.

english CAmp

The video below highlights from one of our recent English Camps. Visiting teams from around the world will often take part in a weekend long English focused activity packed weekend.

looking back…
…moving forward

The Centre has provided English instruction for many years to many students for many hours. Classes are typically 20 one-hour lessons for 1-5 students, ranging in length from 5-7 weeks.



students *

classroom Hours *

* Since 2017

want to join our team

The Centre provides a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals to play an active role in impacting Thailand. There are short term (1-4 weeks), mid term (1-11 months) and long term (1 or more years) opportunities to serve at The Centre. 

partner with The centre

The Centre is a foundation in Thailand and therefore cannot make a profit from the services it offers. Students can freely make a donation for the classes they take and even the snacks they eat but they are not required to. In addition all the teachers are not paid and raise their own support in order to volunteer at The Centre. It is through generous donations by like-minded individuals that The Centre can pay its rent, bills and expenses to operate. We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with The Centre by giving either monthly, annually or with a one-time gift. Doing so gives you the chance to join God in the work He is doing at The Centre. Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you are interested in learning more about partnering financially.

great location for students to learn & relax

The Centre is located between Chiang Mai University and Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Campus. There are many restaurants, cafes and attractions nearby. It has space for students and volunteers to relax, study, play boardgames, have a snack, make a cup of coffee or even make a meal. 

what makes the centre special?

Why should you be a part of The Centre? Here are some testimonies from current and previous volunteers at The Centre.

“I love serving at The Centre. It is exciting to see students meet God for the very first time. I love being part of a community that reflect God’s love.”


South Africa

“What a joy it is to work at The Centre …. to be able to build meaningful relationships with students, that can last many years. What a privilege it is to be able to introduce students to Jesus and be his waterers, knowing that it is he who brought them to The Centre and is at work in their lives. What a wonderful way to start retirement! I came for two years but am still here 14 years later!”


United Kingdom

“I love the community at The Centre. You get to see different members of the body (foreign teachers, local pastors and believers) using their gifts together to show the love of Christ to the students.”



“Serving at The Centre has been one of the best opportunities I have ever had. Seeing students grow in language skills as well as in their knowledge of who God is and why that is important are just two of the many amazing things happening at The Centre.”


United States of America

Want to partner with us?
Or join our team?

Please fill out the form below to learn more about partnering with The Centre financially or to learn more about joining our team.